Top Row L to R: Chief Harland Lasher, Ivan McDaniel, Donald Crowe Sr, Harold "Mac" McFarland, Dwayne "Smitty" Smith, Francis Fabbri Bottom Row L to R: Charles Hammersmith, Ricky Hite, John McDaniel, Charlie Cage, PeeWee Anderson
Eagle Officers from Unknown Year
Standing L to R: Charles Flynn, Don Kidwell, Carl Grim, Donald Crowe, Dave O'Neal, Harold Weber, Cecil Warnick Seated L to R: Cub Chaney, Bill Hosier, John Mills, Red Davis
Eagles Officers from Unknown year ????
Top Row L to R: Chief Harland Lasher, Ivan McDaniel, Donald Crowe Sr, Unknown, Unknown, Francis Fabbri Bottom Row L to R: Unknow, Ricky Hite, John McDaniel, Unknown, PeeWee Anderson
The mystery of the disappearing beer, it happen at an Eagles Club..........hmmmm?
The FOE had a birthday this week. Happy 119th Birthday Fraternal Order of Eagles!!