The Wheel Bonanza was affected by the weather but none the less fun and successful in raising money for the Alzheimer's Association of Greater Maryland. Thank the volunteers that put it on and the brother and sister Eagles that bought tickets and participated. We do great things when we work together! Below are the Wheel Winners and pull tab game winners, the 50/50 and Lottery Basket were claimed!
Sam Glenn Benefit Cash Bash
All Raffles were claimed, the gun was won by Rodney Morgan with #83. The 50/50 was $175, it was claimed and the winner graciously donated her winnings back to Sam. The 5:00 - $1000 drawing winner was Pam Guthrie who donated the entire amount back to Sam - WOW!! How awesome is that???
From the Times-News May 21st...
The Poker Tournament held to benefit the Crohn's and Colitis Foundation was very well attended and successful fund raiser. Thanks to the volunteers and participants!
Be Eagle Proud: One of the many examples of how we Eagle Members impact our community through our charitable giving!
Big Wheel Deal winning numbers. Thanks to all the volunteers that helped with the event and all the members that supported, it was a very successful fund raising event for the State Presidents Charities!!
The ad that was in the Times_News on Monday, February 20th, 2017...
This event was Saturday February 25th, for a very good cause, benefits kids who suffered spinal cord injuries and their families.
The Eagle Rider Chili for Charity event on Sunday, January 15th was very successful and raised a lot of money for Jane's Place and local Toys for Happiness. The winner of the Peoples Choice was Richie and Kim Glenn. Thank you all who entered a chili and all those that sampled and voted and also all those that provided baked goods for the bake sale!
At the State Aerie Convention in June 2016 the Scholarship committee met to discuss submitted applications and select as many recipients as there was funds available. The funds were raised through out the year by the Auxiliary and Aerie. All of the recipients this year were from the Cresaptown Aerie #2883's member's children or grandchildren.
Scholarship Awards as a Result of Fund Raising Efforts in 2015-2016

Fran Castle's Charity this for 2015-2016 was Homes For Our Troops and Charles D. "Doug" Harris. A check presentation was made on May 28th with State Madame President Diana Booth, Doug Harris, Auxiliary Madame President Fran Castle and Aerie President Brett Ramsey in the picture. Nice job Fran and Auxiliary and all Aerie and Auxiliary that contributed to the effort and supported the fund raisers!